I just found an old postcard of Leixlip. It was mailed from Dublin to the States in 1910 for a two penny and a half penny stamps. The postcard shows Main Street from the Rye Bridge where the Ryewater flows into the Liffey where Leixlip demesne Boat House is.

Post Card Stamps from Ireland to US in 1910

Old Postcard of Main Street, Leixlip
Click to open larger
It hasn’t changed much! Below is a screen snap of the same area May 2019 from Google Maps using Street View.

Main Street, Leixlip now
Here it is on Google.
You can drive around. If you are looking for the castle, you just passed it.
There it is, straight ahead of you.
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Main Street, Leixlip
This is a photo I took when I was there.
Did you know you can scroll back through the dates that the Google car recorded this street?
The same view around us changes all the time. Leixlip not so much.
Flag banners are up in the pictures from March and May.
Leixlip Festival is on the “June Bank Holiday Weekend” every year. Photos of the festival show a lot of these flags draped across Main Street.
Main Street is closed “from Pound Street junction to
the traffic lights at Captain’s Hill.” There is music and street entertainment like fire eaters, stilt walkers and a Punch & Judy Show. (Evidently not just a thing in books.) It ends Sunday with fireworks.
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