You’ve probably heard a lot about how AI like ChatGPT will revolutionize everything in the world.
ChatGPT may be the content generating tool in the news, but article writing apps and programs aren’t new. The App Store is full of writing apps to write “a professional article or a viral social media post,” “create your own novel in just a few clicks,” or “generate professional texts using the latest generation of artificial intelligence models.”
I played around with content generating tools to answer this question. Here are a couple of examples of the results.
This is the sort of post I might put on my blog
What is the difference between Blue Willow and Blue Italian China?
Blue Willow and Blue Italian are two popular blue and white china patterns. Blue Willow is a traditional pattern that originated in China and was first imported to England in the 18th century. Blue Italian is a more modern pattern that was designed in England in the 19th century.
Blue Willow is a romantic and exotic pattern that features a design of willow trees, birds, and flowers. Blue Italian is a more sophisticated and elegant pattern that features a design of blue and white Italian tiles.
Both Blue Willow and Blue Italian are beautiful and versatile patterns that can be used for a variety of purposes. They are both popular choices for everyday dining, as well as for special occasions.
Blue Willow is a more traditional pattern, while Blue Italian is a more modern pattern. Blue Willow is a more romantic and exotic pattern, while Blue Italian is a more sophisticated and elegant pattern.
Ultimately, the best pattern for you will depend on your personal preferences and the occasion.
Doesn’t that sound good?

Except Blue Italian is not “a more sophisticated and elegant pattern that features a design of blue and white Italian tiles.” It is certainly not “modern” or less “romantic” than Blue Willow.
And this article is really just a lot of fluff. If you want to know the difference between Blue Willow and Blue Italian China, this would not be a satisfying answer. You would not consider the site with this content an authority on the subject.
Here is another example. This is a post I might write for my blog
How to Get a Mortgage Loan for a Park Model Cabin
To get a mortgage loan for a Park Model Cabin, you will need to find a lender that offers loans for this type of property. You can search online or ask around for recommendations.
Once you have found a lender, you will need to fill out a loan application and provide the lender with documentation, such as proof of income, assets, and debts. The lender will then review your application and decide whether to approve you for a loan.
If you are approved for a loan, you will need to sign a mortgage contract and make monthly payments to the lender. The mortgage contract will outline the terms of the loan, such as the interest rate, the length of the loan, and the monthly payment amount.
It is important to note that Park Model Cabins are not considered permanent residences, so you may not be able to get a traditional mortgage loan. However, there are lenders that offer loans for Park Model Cabins, and you may be able to qualify for one if you have good credit and a steady income.
Here are some tips for getting a mortgage loan for a Park Model Cabin:
- Get pre-approved for a loan before you start shopping for a Park Model Cabin. This will give you an idea of how much you can afford to spend and will make the buying process easier.
- Shop around for different lenders and compare interest rates and terms.
- Be prepared to provide the lender with documentation, such as proof of income, assets, and debts.
- Read the mortgage contract carefully before you sign it.
- Make sure you understand the terms of the loan, such as the interest rate, the length of the loan, and the monthly payment amount.
As far as I know, the information is accurate. Most of it just applies to a mortgage in general. The only part that answers the question is the first paragraph, “To get a mortgage loan for a Park Model Cabin, you will need to find a lender that offers loans for this type of property. You can search online or ask around for recommendations.”
Accurate, but not very helpful. The person who lands on this page wants to know how to get a mortgage on a Park Model Cabin and the content pretty much says, “I don’t know, ask someone else.”
I tried 20 different topics and got similar results. The writing is excellent. The content includes a variety of synonyms instead of repeating the same word over and over. It stuck to the same “voice” and used easy-to-scan sentences and bulleted lists.
But the content was frequently inaccurate and very fluffy.
Should you use AI to write your blog posts? In my opinion it would be easier to start with a blank piece of paper. Don’t write about things you don’t understand. Check your knowledge with research on credible websites and current books.
If you are going to use AI, make sure the results are accurate. Make sure you aren’t checking it against other nonsense written by AI. Your site visitors aren’t going to trust your site if the content is nothing but inaccurate fluff.